forschungsverbund künstlerpublikationen

Theoretische Tropen: Subterranean Art

Some topics of art and politics in Latin America in the 1960-70’s

(in Englisch)

Prof. Dr. Cristina Freire Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil 

The search for alternative circulation channels for artistic production and thought as well as distribution strategies alien to the market and to institutional limits moved artists in Latin America in the 1960s and 70s. Subterranean art deals with a common program of urgencies not defined by the form of the object that artists create, which is conventionally called a ‘work of art’, but mainly by the type of poetic and political, collective and creative intervention that they are capable of engaging in society. Some revealing factors of this critical condition are a few creative processes of distributing artistic information within a period of the recent political history of Latin–American countries, tangled in the coup d’états of those military dictators who devastated the region. 

Dienstag, den 22. Juni 2010, 19 Uhr
Weserburg | Museum für moderne Kunst


Die Vortragsreihe THEORETISCHE TROPEN findet in Kooperation des Studienzentrums für Künstlerpublikationen / ASPC in die Weserburg | Museum für moderne Kunst, mit der International University Bremen, der Hochschule für Künste und der Universität Bremen statt. 
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